Strabucks was established first time in the Seattle city, Washington during 1971 by three people, Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegel, and Gordon Bowker. Starbucks when the beginning was only just a small shop that sold selected coffee bean.
People bought the selected coffee bean and grind this coffee in the shop or carried it home. The concept of the Starbucks shop at the time was to sell quality coffee and in the Starbucks consumer enjoyed his coffee in the their own house.
After leaving Starbucks, in 1985, Howard Schultz established his own shop by the name of II Giornale . This name apparently was not too good. After he bought the Starbucks brand and quickly change the name of the shop became Starbucks, the business also success. Further the history proved that Howard Schultz idea does work and being a big success.
People liked to come to Starbucks coffee shop because the atmosphere was different and supportive to release tired after working all day long. The Hommie atmosphere in the shop and relaxed was really suitable for gathered place with friend while enjoying coffee. The shift in the community's American culture also was influential towards the Starbucks success, because before Starbucks success American people liked to go to bar and drink alcohol. It was clear enough that drink coffee was far more healthier and better than drank alcohol. Starbucks success expanding to many countries, the culture drink coffee has become public for the world's population.
beberapa gerai starbucks di Amrik sudah banyak yang ditutup, akibat krisis ekonomi.
BalasHapusmudah2an yang di indonesia ngga ada yg ditutup ya..
krn semakin banyak yang ditutup, maka akan mengurangi ekspor kopi dari indonesia..
Betul Mas, jangan sampai terjadi penutupan di indonesia. Mana masih banyak lagi penganguran di negara kita.